
The word “dallying” has 3 syllables: dal-ly-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈdæliɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for dallying?

In the thesaurus, “dallying” has 43 synonyms and 74 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dallying along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dallying

  • amorous
  • apathetic
  • bumming
  • careless
  • chilling
  • coquetting
  • crawling
  • dawdling
  • delaying
  • dillydallying
  • dragging
  • droning
  • dull
  • flirting
  • footling
  • frolicking
  • goldbricking
  • idling
  • inattentive
  • indifferent
  • lackadaisical
  • lazing
  • lazying
  • leisurely
  • lethargic
  • levity
  • lingering
  • loafing
  • lolling
  • lounging
  • messing
  • mucking
  • passive
  • playing
  • poking
  • relaxing
  • resting
  • sleepy
  • slow
  • strolling
  • tired
  • toying
  • weary

Antonyms for dallying

  • activated
  • active
  • ambition
  • applying
  • attentive
  • barreling
  • bolting
  • breathless
  • breezing
  • brisk
  • careering
  • careful
  • caring
  • concerned
  • coursing
  • darting
  • dashing
  • dizzy
  • drive
  • energetic
  • expeditious
  • fast
  • fleet
  • flying
  • fresh
  • galloping
  • grinding
  • grubbing
  • hastening
  • hasty
  • humping
  • hurrying
  • hustling
  • industriousness
  • industry
  • interested
  • laboring
  • lightning
  • lively
  • meteoric
  • pegging
  • plodding
  • plowing
  • plugging
  • quick
  • racing
  • rapid
  • ready
  • ripping
  • rocketing
  • running
  • rushing
  • scooting
  • scrambling
  • scudding
  • scurrying
  • slaving
  • snappy
  • speeding
  • speedy
  • straining
  • striving
  • struggling
  • sweating
  • swift
  • tearing
  • toiling
  • vivacious
  • whirling
  • whirlwind
  • whisking
  • whizzing
  • working
  • zipping

Meanings of dallying

  • verb
    1. To waste time in trivial activities, or in idleness; to trifle.
    2. To caress, especially of a sexual nature; to fondle or pet.
    3. To delay unnecessarily; to while away.
    4. To wind the lasso rope (ie throw-rope) around the saddle horn (the saddle horn is attached to the pommel of a western style saddle) after the roping of an animal.
  • noun
    1. Dalliance.

Example Sentences

  • Caught dallying by the water's edge, they shared a secret moment.
  • The teacher noticed the students dallying instead of focusing on their assignments.
  • In the meadow, butterflies were seen dallying around the blooming flowers.
  • He found himself dallying with different hobbies, unable to commit to one.
  • The manager disapproved of employees dallying around during work hours.

On this page you'll find 117 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dallying, such as: activated, active, ambition, amorous, apathetic, applying, attentive.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • afraid
  • averse
  • belated
  • bumming
  • chilling
  • crawling
  • dallying
  • delayed
  • delaying
  • delinquent
  • dillydallying
  • doubt
  • doubtful
  • dragging
  • droning
  • easy
  • equivocation
  • footling
  • gradual
  • halting
  • heavy
  • hesitancy
  • idling
  • indecision
  • indecisive
  • lackadaisical
  • lagging
  • lazing
  • lazying
  • leisurely
  • lethargic
  • lethargy
  • lingering
  • loafing
  • loath
  • lolling
  • lounging
  • messing
  • misgiving
  • mistrust
  • moderate
  • mucking
  • overdue
  • passive
  • pause
  • playing
  • poking
  • procrastination
  • qualm
  • quiet
  • relaxing
  • reluctance
  • reluctant
  • resting
  • shy
  • skeptical
  • skepticism
  • slow
  • sluggish
  • sluggishness
  • stagnant
  • stagnation
  • strolling
  • tardy
  • tentative
  • timid
  • unsure
  • unwilling
  • unwillingness
  • vacillation


  • bumming
  • chilling
  • dawdling
  • dillydallying
  • droning
  • footling
  • interval
  • killing time
  • lazing
  • lazying
  • loafing
  • lolling
  • lounging
  • playing
  • poking
  • relaxing
  • resting
  • strolling


  • crawling
  • dallying
  • dilatory
  • dillydallying
  • dragging
  • laggard
  • languid
  • lingering
  • plodding
  • pokey
  • poky
  • slowish
  • sluggish
  • unhurried

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